In both our work and our personal lives, we embrace the values of the original people, respecting the natural world and our interconnection with all living beings. This is expressed in how we choose to live, the ethical standards by which we govern our charity, and how we care for our staff, our charity partners, our donors, the guardians of the Amazon, the rainforest and our planet.
As understood by the original people, the people of the modern world have become disconnected from their relationship with each other and the living world. As a result, they are able to harm and exploit people and planet, ultimately to the cost of all living beings. Our mission is to uphold the sovereignty and wellbeing of original people, so that they can become a respected voice in healing all our relations. We make our commitment to their wisdom by valuing it in every aspect of our lives.
The Kurikindi foundation was established in 2020, through the vision of Kurikindi, an original man from the Ecuadorian rainforest. Kurikindi was born in the Amazon rainforest and now resides in the United Kingdom. Since then he has dedicated himself to sharing his knowledge and wisdom of the Amazon, which has led to the creation of the foundation, with an aim of supporting original communities into the future modern world.
Kurikindi (Patricio Hualinga) is our chairperson and a master shaman of the Kichwa people of Ecuador. Born into an ancient lineage of shamans, he brings forward many generations of ancestral knowledge so much needed in such crucial times, alongside his lived experience of the threats original people face from environmental exploitation and political corruption. As both a teacher and healer, Kurikindi shares his wisdom with people across the world. The foundations of his teachings are based in love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness, offering us an opportunity to reconnect with the wisdom in our hearts, and find a deep unified wholeness and healing within ourselves, others and nature — it bringing peace and harmony to all our relations and the world. Kurikindi’s heritage and faith radiate the essence of Sumak Kawsay: a way of bringing the beautiful fulfilment of harmony, balance and dignity to all existence.
Ann-Marie Black, our treasurer, has been a student of Kurikindi for many years. She has spent time in Ecuadorian rainforest, sharing in the wisdom of the original people, gaining knowledge of their medicinal plants and traditional practices; living alongside communities and building a trusted relationship and a deeper understanding of the challenges faced in their communities. Ann-Marie has previous experience in primary healthcare Practice Management and currently as an allied healthcare professional. She is committed to supporting original communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon with the shared mission to protect the planet and bring light into the heart of humanity.
Shaun Higgins is our secretary. He is a student of Kurikindi and has lived and worked in community amongst the forest people of Ecuador, learning from their friendship, culture and wisdom, as well as from the Amazon rainforest itself. He brings almost 25 years of experience in the social and environmental justice sector, specialising in education programme design, and was previously a charity co-director. He is committed to enabling all original people to hold sovereignty over their lands, culture and wisdom, and play their crucial part in healing both people and planet for the sake of all life and all our futures.
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