Our Mission And Values

There has never been a more critical time for our planet, where we must address the suffering we have caused our lands, seas and climate. Advances in the modern world have brought lasting destruction to the environment and the traditional ways of our elders. Standing in-between the preservation and decline of life on this Earth are ancient peoples worldwide, who have chosen to preserve the ways of the past that hold solutions to our environmental crisis. People who exist in a harmonious and respectful rhythm with the planet – the Original People.

Yet, the original people themselves are directly under threat, having little support in their daily struggle to protect and preserve their own lands from exploitation. Their children are born into activism, with no other choice than to join their elders in the long-standing battle to defend their homes and way of life. These lands, people and their wisdom, if lost, will have an irreversible impact on every single living being on the planet – leading to even further decline in our climate and biodiversity, and stealing-away any hope for future generations.

A Shared Responsibility

The Kurikindi Foundation recognises that original people are in decline worldwide and, with that, our last chance to heal our planet and safeguard our future. What we choose to do now will shape the Earth that our children will inherit. Our fight to stop climate disaster and mass extinction cannot be separated from the struggle of the original people. 

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It’s people like you who can transform the lives of countless original people. Subscribe to our incredible network of supporters for updates on our work and the everyday things you can do to make change for the people of the Amazon.

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